Istanbul Technical University Libraries Digital Collections comprise of below collections :

ITU Rare Books Collection: Inheriting the heritage of Mühendishane (Imperial School of Engineering) Printing Press and the Library of Mühendis Mektebi (Ottoman School of Engineering), ITU Rare Books Collection comprises a primary resource for the study of history of science and technology in the Ottoman Empire and early Repuplican period of Turkey. Made up largely of 18th, 19th and early 20th century rare books and periodicals, this collection of approximately 6000 items, not only provides insight on the engineering and architecture education in the Ottoman Empire but also presents accounts of history, art, literature and sociology, cretaed in the Ottoman Empire.

Collection of Maps and Geographical Materials: The bulk of the collection comprises approximately 5000 maps on geology, which were donated by Prof. Dr. Celal Şengör. The maps are in the languages of Turkish, Chineese, Russian and English. The rest the collection comprises the geographical materials, which were bought by ITU Libraries.

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