Special collections at the ITU Libraries are subject to unique terms of use which are stated below:

Collection Name
Audio Visual Collection
Lending rules in this collection varies according to the libraries. Click here to see the lending rules.
Movie Collection
Alphabetical list of film.
Electronic Books
You can see all the acquired or subscribed e-books by İTÜ Library through this link. Please use the databases list which is in the "electronic resources" page.
Rare Books Collection
Users may reach Digital Collection of ITU Rare Books through https://dijitalkoleksiyonlar.kutuphane.itu.edu.tr If the material you are looking for, is not yet digitised, you should request it by filling in the Rare Books Request Form   and send it to kutuphanedanis@itu.edu.tr. You may also request the form in the Reference Desk of Mustafa İnan Library.
Please, bear in mind that the digitization of the item may take a few days. Upon the digitization of the requested material, users will be notified by e-mail and then they may reach the item through  https://dijitalkoleksiyonlar.kutuphane.itu.edu.tr
Music Collection
This collection includes the music collections at ITU Libraries.
Musical Scores Collection
This collection includes the musical scores located at ITU Libraries.
Cevad Memduh Altar Collection
Printed materials belonging to the Cevad Memduh Altar archive are preserved in the ITU Dr. Erol Üçer Music Advanced Research Center Library ( MIAM ) and are offered to its users.